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CRANC up the heater

It may be Spring for the rest of Australia, but it seems Ngunnawal country wants to hold on to winter for a little while longer.

At least, that was the first impression Paul had when he stepped out of his car at 8.30am on a very crisp Friday morning. We had been invited by the Canberra Rural Allied health & Nursing Collective (CRANC) to speak to a number of university students studying in fields such as medicine, pharmacy and psychology. 

CRANC has been running for a few years and is passionate about rural and remote health care and providing opportunities for students to access information and events that people living within these demographics. Paul enjoyed sharing his experienced working in remote areas such as Doomadgee, Mooroonnga Island and Jabiru Area School. Importantly, participants got to understand some of the cultural protocols required when working in regional and remote areas.

If you are interested in rural and remote health care and are living in Ngunnawal country, we recommend you reach out to CRANC and learn more about how they can support you.

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