Experiencing Paramount Studios for the first time was nerve racking. Occupying the shoes of people like Narelda Jacobs and SpongeBob SquarePants is no simple venture. Fortunately, friendly staff ensured a comfortable and smooth introduction to the media world, transforming the nervous look on our faces to one of excitement.
The wonderful Rachael Brand, Executive Producer, greeted us and provided a behind the scenes tour of our favourite childhood TV shows. With little time to waste, we were ushered into makeup and hair studios. Janine must have been the A-lister. She was provided the best stylist, the most expensive makeup, and even a breath mint. I on the other hand…well, I’m either a natural beauty or (more likely) a lost cause, because after one look at me, the beauticians turned on their heels and fled.

With my confidence slightly dented, we headed onto set.
Being invited to speak on television about NAIDOC week and share our thoughts on this year's theme ’Keep the fire burning!’, was an incredible honour. Under the spotlights, we began delivering our lines, completing takes, until the director shouted, “Stop! We've seen enough… that was cinema!”.
We had a magical time at Paramount and thank those involved for the opportunity. Have a great NAIDOC everyone. Keep an eye out for us on Nickelodeon!
Dean Widders Jnr